Translated by Tashi Namgyal
- Edited by Yangchen Tso

The late Tibetan Film director Pema Tseden won the Best Director award, and Jinpa, the best male actor, won the film Balloon at the 2024 China Film Director Association festival.
On 1 June 2024, the Film’s Director Award Ceremony 2024 was held and organized by the China Film Director Association on the shore of the Huangbohai Sea at the Bajiaowan International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Yantai City, Shandong Province, China. More than 400 film directors, actors, and industry guests were gathered at the convention center. Among 32 various award recipients from 2020 to 2023, late Tibetan Filmmaker Pema Tseden received the Best Director award and Jinpa the Best Male Actor with the Film Balloon for 2020. Likewise, Jigme Trinley’s films One and Four have won the special Film Work award for the year 2023.
Balloon is a Tibetan film directed by the late Pema Tseden and released in 2019. Tibetan actor and actress Jinpa, Sonam Wangmo, and Yangshik Tso have the leading roles in the film, and it runs for 102 minutes. This film depicts the modern life of a Tibetan family facing challenges to preserve culture and spirituality. Strangely, the balloon in the film sheds light on the life of Dargye, the main character, and his family regarding sexuality, the one-child policy, religious belief in the next life, and so forth. This film has also earned Best Film awards and Best Female Actor for Sonam Wangmo internationally. Similarly, in 2019, the Balloon garnered a Special Jury Award at the 50th International Film Festival of India held in Goa.
The film, One and Four, is a testament to the perseverance and dedication of Jigme Trinley, the son of the late Tibetan filmmaker Pema. Adapted from a novella by Jamyang Tsering, Jigme began working on the film in December 2019. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he was forced to pause production. Undeterred, he resumed work later and completed the film in 2020, seeking guidance from his late father along the way. This personal journey adds a layer of depth to the film, making it a must-watch for film enthusiasts. Unlike his father’s works, One and Four is a film of thrill and suspense. The film is about a park ranger in a freezing forest house who encounters three visitors. Two claim to be the local regional forest police looking after a poacher or a killer. The story ends with the suspect and terror killing the other three except Sangye, the ranger. One in four have won the top awards- Best Narrative Feature and Best Director, and Jinpa again earned the honor of the best actor at the 16th First International Film Festival held in Xining City, Tibet, in 2022.