Reported by Palden
Edited by Kelsang Jinpa
Translated by TenGyal
The Chinese authorities have forcefully expelled 1,000 monks and nuns from Larung Gar in Serta County. Restrictions are being imposed on visitors to the area including tourists and pilgrims.

Since late November, 2024, the Chinese government alleges that even though only a population of 5,000 monastics are allowed to reside in Larung Gar, Under the pretense of illegal residents and monastics who do not have the proper legal documentation, Chinese authorities have expelled more than 1,000 monks and nuns. the residences of these expelled monastics have not been demolished, yet their present condition remains unclear.
A nun, who was among those who were expelled by the Chinese authorities, described, “ After a series of investigations carried out by the Chinese government officials and the Serta County Police, we were issued directives that the 1000 of us were not allowed to reside in the monastery and must be exited.”
Another Tibetan source informed that the Chinese authorities have expelled these thousand monastics under the pretense of not having the proper legal documentations. Even though, family members of the deceased who had proper legal documentation were allowed to continue to reside in the monastery but new monastics applicants are not allowed to enlist.
A different source reported said, “ Currently, a force of more than 400 government officials and policemen continue to monitor and investigate in Larung Gar. Earlier tourists were allowed to bring phones to take photographs but as of now visitors to Larung Gar are prohibited from bringing their phones to take photographs.”
Yet another source reported that under the pretext of constructing a highway in Larung Gar in the coming month of April, the authorities are assessing to demolish the residences of the monastics. The Chinese government has also threatened that if any information about the expulsion of the monastics from Larung Gar is disseminated or posted on online platforms, it will be punishable according to the law.
Last November, around 400 policemen were flown in direct flights from Dago County in Karze and other nearby counties to Larung Gar.
The Larung Gar Monastery have been put under severe restrictions and continue to be monitored through aerial surveillance too. Furthermore, authorities are planning to mandate that monastic residents would only be allowed to reside for 15 years in Larung Gar starting from this year.
In 2017, the Chinese government built a fence between the Larung Gar Monastery and the Serta Larung Five Science Buddhist Academy, effectively separating them. On top of that, they have established “administrative offices” in both the Monastery and the Academy and six Communist Party members have been appointed as directors and secretaries to strictly control the administration and daily activities in Larung Gar.