The Sershul County police arrested two Tibetan Women and as of now, their whereabouts and condition remains unknown.

Under the ongoing crackdown on the internet in Tibet, the Chinese government has been arresting numerous Tibetans on the accused offense of cyber-crime and other various crimes. Recently, Two Tibetan Women, Tsomo and Nyidon were arrested by the police of Karchen township, Sershul County. It has been two weeks since their arrest, yet where they have been detained and their condition remains unknown.
A reliable source of Tibet Times said, “On 23 November of this year, Tsomo and Nyidon from Sershul County were arrested by the police officials and taken to the local police station on alleged charge of sharing audio tracks about introduction of Buddhism and talks on accumulating religious merits in two Wechat groups. One of Wechat Groups name is Lingta Yardo, and other’s Sata Tsokpa which consist of 320 and 469 members respectively. In this year specifically, China has intensified restrictions on religion. For instance, numerous people from Karchen Township were summoned and interrogated, and then later released. But, about the two mentioned women, the police informed their families nothing following the arrest.”
The source added, “For Tsomo and Nyidon, they are relatives who usually work as a volunteer to serve people by arranging religious activities. Particularly, they are so kind to help the poor and elders who do not have families to feed them. Tsomo has two children with her husband and his name is Nyiga. He works in a shop in Kyegu. Nyidon lives with her mother, doing small businesses.