The Chinese government has sentenced singer, Golok Palden to three years and currently, he is in the prison of Pema County, Golok.

As usual, Chinese authorities restrict Tibetan artists, writers, and intellectuals, arresting and detaining them on various accusations. Recently, the Young Tibetan singer, Golok Palden was arrested and taken away on alleged charge of singing a Tibetan ‘patriotic song’.
A reliable source of Tibet Times reported that a few months ago, the Chinese government arrested singer, Golok Palden from Pema County on alleged charge of singing a Tibetan ‘patriotic song’. Following a prolonged interrogation and detention, he was sentenced to three years imprisonment through a secret trial.
The source added “Golok Palden was denied a legal proceeding to be sentenced. Generally, there is no court in Pema county and the trial shall be taken place in Golok prefecture, but the police officials of Pema county just informed his imprisonment to his family without any legal documentation.”
Golok Palden hails from Yotak village, Dedha township, Pema county and he is fond of playing Dranyen, the Tibetan traditional lute. In a virtual contest of Dranyen-playing last year, organized by Sermo Tso, Monthang, he earned sixth place. During that time, he was admired widely across Tibet for his innocent character. He also launched a music piece, called ‘Remembering Mother’ on social media platforms, which subsequently went viral. As of now, his Quaishou account has 98.5K followers, but since from 26th March of this year, no pictures and music has been posted till date.